forked from mfulz_github/qmk_firmware
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177 lines
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Instructions for converting the LUFA USBtoSerial Demo to an AVR ISP Programmer.
By Opendous Inc., Copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution License:
1) Start with the LUFA/Demos/USBtoSerial firmware.
- rename USBtoSerial.c, USBtoSerial.h, and USBtoSerial.aps to
- edit AVRISP_Programmer.aps and rename all instances of "USBtoSerial" to
- copy AVRISP_Programmer.txt from an older version of AVRISP_Programmer
2) Edit makefile by changing TARGET from "USBtoSerial" to "AVRISP_Programmer"
3) Edit AVRISP_Programmer.h:
- rename ReconfigureUSART(void) to ReconfigureSPI(void)
- add void processHostSPIRequest(void); & void delay_ms(uint8_t dly);
- replace the define for Serial.h with one for SPI.h:
#include <libs/LUFA/Drivers/AT90USBXXX/SPI.h>
4) Make alterations to Descriptors.c
- change manufacturer string to "", length=19
- change product string to "LUFA-Based AVR ISP Programmer", length=29
5) Edit Ringbuff.h to enable the Peek Command: #define BUFF_USEPEEK
6) Edit AVRISP_Programmer.c:
- change #include "USBtoSerial.h" to #include "AVRISP_Programmer.h"
- change BUTTLOADTAG(ProjName to "LUFA AVR910 ISP Programmer"
- in main(), rename ReconfigureUSART() to Reconfigure();
- in EVENT_HANDLER(USB_UnhandledControlPacket), rename ReconfigureUSART
- delete the ISRs: ISR(USART1_RX_vect) & ISR(USART1_TX_vect)
- delete ReconfigureUSART(void)
- add void ReconfigureSPI(void), void processHostSPIRequest(void),
and void delay_ms(uint8_t dly) from a previous version
- add Timer1 and SPI initialization code to main():
/* Hardware Initialization */
DDRB = 0;
PORTB = 0;
DDRC |= ((1 << PC2) | (1 << PC4) | (1 << PC5) | (1 << PC6) | (1 << PC7)); //AT90USBxx2
// PC2 is also used for RESET, so set it HIGH initially - note 'P' command sets it to LOW (Active)
PORTC |= ((1 << PC2) | (1 << PC4) | (1 << PC5) | (1 << PC6) | (1 << PC7)); //AT90USBxx2
DDRD = 0;
PORTD = (1 << PB7); // only PB7(HWB) should be High as this is the bootloader pin
// Prepare PortB for SPI - set PB0(^SS), PB1(SCK), PB2(MOSI) as output as well as all other pins except PB3(MISO)
DDRB = (1 << PB0) | (1 << PB1) | (1 << PB2) | (0 << PB3) | (1 << PB4) | (1 << PB5) | (1 << PB6) | (1 << PB7);
PORTB |= (1 << PB0);
// initialize Timer1 for use in delay function
TCCR1A = 0;
//TCCR1B = (1 << CS10); // no prescaling, use CLK
TCCR1B = ((1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10)); // prescale by CLK/1024
// 8MHz/1024 = 7813 ticks per second --> ~8 ticks per millisecond (ms)
timerval = TCNT1; // start timer1
- In TASK(CDC_Task) in the
if (USB_IsConnected) {
if (Endpoint_ReadWriteAllowed()) {
while (Endpoint_BytesInEndpoint()) {
structure, after Buffer_StoreElement(&Rx_Buffer, Endpoint_Read_Byte()):
/* Each time there is an element, check which comand should be
run and if enough data is available to run that command.
There are 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte commands, and 5-byte commands
Remember that the "which command" byte counts as 1 */
if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 0) {
// do nothing, wait for data
} else {
tempByte = Buffer_PeekElement(&Rx_Buffer); // peek at first element
/* make sure the issued command and associated data are all ready */
if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 1) { // zero data byte command
if ((tempByte == 'P') | (tempByte == 'a') | (tempByte == 'm') |
(tempByte == 'R') | (tempByte == 'd') | (tempByte == 'e') |
(tempByte == 'L') | (tempByte == 's') | (tempByte == 't') |
(tempByte == 'S') | (tempByte == 'V') | (tempByte == 'v') |
(tempByte == 'p') | (tempByte == 'F')) {
processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
} else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 2) { // one data byte command
if ((tempByte == 'T') | (tempByte == 'c') | (tempByte == 'C') |
(tempByte == 'D') | (tempByte == 'l') | (tempByte == 'f') |
(tempByte == 'x') | (tempByte == 'y')) {
processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
} else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 3) { // two data byte command
if ((tempByte == 'A') | (tempByte == 'Z')) {
processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
} else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 4) { // three data byte command
if ((tempByte == ':')) {
processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
} else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 5) { // four data byte command
if ((tempByte == '.')) {
processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
} else {
// do nothing
- need to add code to flush the buffer. Change:
/* Check if Rx buffer contains data */
if (Rx_Buffer.Elements)
/* Initiate the transmission of the buffer contents if USART idle*/
if (!(Transmitting))
Transmitting = true;
/* Check if Rx buffer contains data */
if (Rx_Buffer.Elements)
/* Initiate the transmission of the buffer contents if USART idle*/
if (!(Transmitting))
Transmitting = true;
/* The following flushes the receive buffer to prepare for new
data and commands. Need to flush the buffer as the command
byte which is peeked above needs to be dealt with, otherwise
the command bytes will overflow the buffer eventually */
//Buffer_GetElement(&Rx_Buffer); // also works
- need to add the following defines and globals:
#define RESETPIN PB0
#define RESETPIN2 PC2
#define CR_HEX '\r'
#define DELAY_VERYSHORT 0x01
#define DELAY_SHORT 0x02
#define DELAY_MEDIUM 0x03
#define DELAY_LONG 0x05
#define DELAY_MULTIPLE 0x04
/* AVR Device Codes - Can have a maximum of 14 but can be any you want.
Note that these are completely irrelevent. If AVRdude supports a
device, then that device is programmable. Use -F switch to ignore
device codes. */
#define AVRDEVCODE01 0x55 /* ATtiny12 */
#define AVRDEVCODE02 0x56 /* ATtiny15 */
#define AVRDEVCODE03 0x5E /* ATtiny261 */
#define AVRDEVCODE04 0x76 /* ATmega8 */
#define AVRDEVCODE05 0x74 /* ATmega16 */
#define AVRDEVCODE06 0x72 /* ATmega32 */
#define AVRDEVCODE07 0x45 /* ATmega64 */
#define AVRDEVCODE08 0x74 /* ATmega644 */
#define AVRDEVCODE09 0x43 /* ATmega128 */
#define AVRDEVCODE10 0x63 /* ATmega162 */
#define AVRDEVCODE11 0x78 /* ATmega169 */
#define AVRDEVCODE12 0x6C /* AT90S4434 */
#define AVRDEVCODE13 0x38 /* AT90S8515A */
#define AVRDEVCODE14 0x65 /* AT90S8555 */
/* some global variables used throughout */
uint8_t tempIOreg = 0;
uint8_t tempIOreg2 = 0;
uint8_t tempIOreg3 = 0;
uint8_t tempIOreg4 = 0;
uint8_t dataWidth = 0;
uint8_t firstRun = 1;
uint8_t deviceCode = 0;
uint8_t tempByte = 0;
uint16_t currAddress = 0;
uint16_t timerval = 0;