Correct misspellings in the Bluetooth demo code.

This commit is contained in:
Dean Camera 2010-07-11 08:11:25 +00:00
parent f6e84eabce
commit 2b0d93c129
11 changed files with 46 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void Bluetooth_ChannelOpened(Bluetooth_Channel_t* const ACLChannel)
/** Bluetooth stack callback event for a non-signal ACL packet reception. This callback fires once a connection
* to a remote Bluetooth device has been made, and the remote device has sent a non-signalling ACL packet.
* to a remote Bluetooth device has been made, and the remote device has sent a non-signaling ACL packet.
* \param[in] Data Pointer to a buffer where the received data is stored
* \param[in] DataLen Length of the packet data, in bytes

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
DevControlError = 1, /**< A control request to the device failed to complete successfully */
DescriptorTooLarge = 2, /**< The device's Configuration Descriptor is too large to process */
InvalidConfigDataReturned = 3, /**< The device returned an invalid Configuration Descriptor */
NoBTInterfaceFound = 4, /**< A compatible Blutooth interface was not found in the device's Configuration Descriptor */
NoBTInterfaceFound = 4, /**< A compatible Bluetooth interface was not found in the device's Configuration Descriptor */
NoEndpointFound = 5, /**< A compatible set of Bluetooth endpoints were not found in the
* device's Bluetooth interface

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@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
void Bluetooth_ACLTask(void)
/* Process incomming ACL packets, if any */
/* Process incoming ACL packets, if any */
/* Check for any half-open channels, send configuration details to the remote device if found */
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BLUETOOTH_MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS; i++)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void Bluetooth_ACLTask(void)
/* Fill out the Signal Command header in the response packet */
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Code = BT_SIGNAL_CONFIGURATION_REQUEST;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignallingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignalingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Length = sizeof(PacketData.ConfigurationRequest) +
@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ void Bluetooth_ACLTask(void)
/** Incomming ACL packet processing task. This task is called by the main ACL processing task to read in and process
* any incomming ACL packets to the device, handling signal requests as they are received or passing along channel
/** Incoming ACL packet processing task. This task is called by the main ACL processing task to read in and process
* any incoming ACL packets to the device, handling signal requests as they are received or passing along channel
* data to the user application.
static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncommingACLPackets(void)
static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncomingACLPackets(void)
BT_ACL_Header_t ACLPacketHeader;
BT_DataPacket_Header_t DataHeader;
@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncommingACLPackets(void)
BT_ACL_DEBUG(2, "-- Destination Channel: 0x%04X", DataHeader.DestinationChannel);
BT_ACL_DEBUG(2, "-- Payload Length: 0x%04X", DataHeader.PayloadLength);
/* Check the packet's destination channel - signalling channel should be processed by the stack internally */
/* Check the packet's destination channel - signaling channel should be processed by the stack internally */
if (DataHeader.DestinationChannel == BT_CHANNEL_SIGNALING)
/* Read in the Signal Command header of the incomming packet */
/* Read in the Signal Command header of the incoming packet */
BT_Signal_Header_t SignalCommandHeader;
Pipe_Read_Stream_LE(&SignalCommandHeader, sizeof(SignalCommandHeader));
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncommingACLPackets(void)
/* Non-signalling packet received, read in the packet contents and pass to the user application */
/* Non-signaling packet received, read in the packet contents and pass to the user application */
uint8_t PacketData[DataHeader.PayloadLength];
Pipe_Read_Stream_LE(PacketData, DataHeader.PayloadLength);
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ Bluetooth_Channel_t* Bluetooth_GetChannelData(const uint16_t SearchValue, const
* \param[in] Data Pointer to a buffer where the data is to be sourced from
* \param[in] DataLen Length of the data to send
* \param[in] ACLChannel ACL channel information structure containing the destination channel's information, NULL
* to send to the remote device's signalling channel
* to send to the remote device's signaling channel
* \return A value from the \ref BT_SendPacket_ErrorCodes_t enum
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ uint8_t Bluetooth_SendPacket(void* Data, const uint16_t DataLen, Bluetooth_Chann
if (!(Bluetooth_Connection.IsConnected))
return BT_SENDPACKET_NotConnected;
/* If the destination channel is not the signalling channel and it is not currently fully open, abort */
/* If the destination channel is not the signaling channel and it is not currently fully open, abort */
if ((ACLChannel != NULL) && (ACLChannel->State != BT_Channel_Open))
return BT_SENDPACKET_ChannelNotOpen;
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Bluetooth_Channel_t* Bluetooth_OpenChannel(const uint16_t PSM)
/* Fill out the Signal Command header in the response packet */
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Code = BT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_REQUEST;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignallingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignalingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Length = sizeof(PacketData.ConnectionRequest);
/* Fill out the Connection Request in the response packet */
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void Bluetooth_CloseChannel(Bluetooth_Channel_t* const ACLChannel)
/* Fill out the Signal Command header in the response packet */
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Code = BT_SIGNAL_DISCONNECTION_REQUEST;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignallingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Identifier = ++Bluetooth_Connection.SignalingIdentifier;
PacketData.SignalCommandHeader.Length = sizeof(PacketData.DisconnectionRequest);
/* Fill out the Disconnection Request in the response packet */
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ static inline void Bluetooth_Signal_ConfigurationResp(const BT_Signal_Header_t*
/* Only update the channel's state if it was found in the channel list */
if (ChannelData != NULL)
/* Check if the channel configuration completed successfuly */
/* Check if the channel configuration completed successfully */
if (ConfigurationResponse.Result == BT_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL)
switch (ChannelData->State)

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
/** Lowest possible channel number for L2CAP data channels. */
/** Bluetooth specification defined channel number for signalling commands. */
/** Bluetooth specification defined channel number for signaling commands. */
/** Bluetooth specification defined channel number for connectionless data. */
@ -105,22 +105,22 @@
uint16_t DestinationChannel; /**< Destination channel in the device the data is directed to */
} BT_DataPacket_Header_t;
/** Bluetooth signalling command header structure, for all ACL packets containing a signalling command. */
/** Bluetooth signaling command header structure, for all ACL packets containing a signaling command. */
typedef struct
uint8_t Code; /**< Signal code, a BT_SIGNAL_* mask value */
uint8_t Identifier; /**< Unique signal command identifier to link requests and responses */
uint16_t Length; /**< Length of the signalling command data, in bytes */
uint16_t Length; /**< Length of the signaling command data, in bytes */
} BT_Signal_Header_t;
/** Connection Request signalling command structure, for channel connection requests. */
/** Connection Request signaling command structure, for channel connection requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t PSM; /**< Type of data the channel will carry, a CHANNEL_PSM_* mask value */
uint16_t SourceChannel; /**< Channel source on the sending device this channel will link to */
} BT_Signal_ConnectionReq_t;
/** Connection response signalling command structure, for responses to channel connection requests. */
/** Connection response signaling command structure, for responses to channel connection requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t DestinationChannel; /**< Destination device channel that the connection request was processed on */
@ -129,28 +129,28 @@
uint16_t Status; /**< Status of the request if the result was set to the Pending value */
} BT_Signal_ConnectionResp_t;
/** Disconnection request signalling command structure, for channel disconnection requests. */
/** Disconnection request signaling command structure, for channel disconnection requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t DestinationChannel; /**< Destination channel address which is to be disconnected */
uint16_t SourceChannel; /**< Source channel address which is to be disconnected */
} BT_Signal_DisconnectionReq_t;
/** Disconnection response signalling command structure, for responses to channel disconnection requests. */
/** Disconnection response signaling command structure, for responses to channel disconnection requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t DestinationChannel; /**< Destination channel address which was disconnected */
uint16_t SourceChannel; /**< Source channel address which was disconnected */
} BT_Signal_DisconnectionResp_t;
/** Configuration Request signalling command structure, for channel configuration requests. */
/** Configuration Request signaling command structure, for channel configuration requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t DestinationChannel; /**< Destination channel address which is to be disconnected */
uint16_t Flags; /**< Configuration flags for the request, including command continuation */
} BT_Signal_ConfigurationReq_t;
/** Configuration Response signalling command structure, for responses to channel configuration requests. */
/** Configuration Response signaling command structure, for responses to channel configuration requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t SourceChannel; /**< Source channel that the configuration request was directed at */
@ -158,13 +158,13 @@
uint16_t Result; /**< Configuration result, a BT_CONFIGURATION_* mask value */
} BT_Signal_ConfigurationResp_t;
/** Information Request signalling command structure, for device information requests. */
/** Information Request signaling command structure, for device information requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t InfoType; /**< Data type that is being requested, a BT_INFOREQ_* mask value */
} BT_Signal_InformationReq_t;
/** Information Response signalling command structure, for responses to information requests. */
/** Information Response signaling command structure, for responses to information requests. */
typedef struct
uint16_t InfoType; /**< Data type that was requested, a BT_INFOREQ_* mask value */
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
void Bluetooth_ACLTask(void);
static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncommingACLPackets(void);
static void Bluetooth_ProcessIncomingACLPackets(void);
static inline void Bluetooth_Signal_ConnectionReq(const BT_Signal_Header_t* const SignalCommandHeader);
static inline void Bluetooth_Signal_ConnectionResp(const BT_Signal_Header_t* const SignalCommandHeader);

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "BluetoothHCICommands.h"
/** Temporary Bluetooth Device Address, for HCI responses which much include the detination address */
/** Temporary Bluetooth Device Address, for HCI responses which much include the destination address */
static uint8_t Bluetooth_TempDeviceAddress[6];
/** Bluetooth HCI processing task. This task should be called repeatedly the main Bluetooth

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@ -87,13 +87,13 @@
/** Enum for the possible error codes returned by the \ref Bluetooth_SendPacket() function. */
enum BT_SendPacket_ErrorCodes_t
BT_SENDPACKET_NoError = 0, /**< The packet was sent sucessfully. */
BT_SENDPACKET_NoError = 0, /**< The packet was sent successfully. */
BT_SENDPACKET_NotConnected = 1, /**< The Bluetooth stack is not currently connected to a remote device. */
BT_SENDPACKET_ChannelNotOpen = 2, /**< The given channel is not currently in the Open state. */
/* Type Defines: */
/** Type define for a Bluetooth ACL channel information structure. This structure contains all the relevent
/** Type define for a Bluetooth ACL channel information structure. This structure contains all the relevant
* information on an ACL channel for data transmission and reception by the stack.
typedef struct
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
uint16_t ConnectionHandle; /**< Connection handle to the remote device, used internally in the stack. */
uint8_t RemoteAddress[6]; /**< Bluetooth device address of the attached remote device. */
Bluetooth_Channel_t Channels[BLUETOOTH_MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS]; /**< Channel information structures for the connection. */
uint8_t SignallingIdentifier; /**< Next Signalling Channel unique command sequence identifier. */
uint8_t SignalingIdentifier; /**< Next Signaling Channel unique command sequence identifier. */
} Bluetooth_Connection_t;
/** Local Bluetooth device information structure, for the defining of local device characteristics for the Bluetooth stack. */

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ RFCOMM_Channel_t RFCOMM_Channels[RFCOMM_MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS];
/** Initializes the RFCOMM service, ready for new connections from a SDP client. */
void RFCOMM_Initialize(void)
/* Reset the RFCOMM channel structures, to invalidate any confiured RFCOMM channels */
/* Reset the RFCOMM channel structures, to invalidate any configured RFCOMM channels */
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RFCOMM_MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS; i++)
RFCOMM_Channels[i].State = RFCOMM_Channel_Closed;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void RFCOMM_ServiceChannels(Bluetooth_Channel_t* const ACLChannel)
/** Processes an incoming RFCOMM packet on an ACL channel which has been previously opened between the local and
* a remote device to handle RFCOMM traffic.
* \param[in] Data Incomming packet data containing the RFCOMM packet
* \param[in] Data Incoming packet data containing the RFCOMM packet
* \param[in] ACLChannel ACL channel the request was issued to by the remote device
void RFCOMM_ProcessPacket(void* Data, Bluetooth_Channel_t* const ACLChannel)

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@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ const ServiceAttributeTable_t* SDP_Services_Table[] PROGMEM =
/** Base UUID value common to all standardized Bluetooth services */
const UUID_t BaseUUID PROGMEM = {0x00000000, BASE_80BIT_UUID};
/** Main Service Discovery Protocol packet processing routine. This function processes incomming SDP packets from
/** Main Service Discovery Protocol packet processing routine. This function processes incoming SDP packets from
* a connected Bluetooth device, and sends back appropriate responses to allow other devices to determine the
* services the local device exposes.
* \param[in] Data Incomming packet data containing the SDP request
* \param[in] Data Incoming packet data containing the SDP request
* \param[in] Channel ACL channel the request was issued to by the remote device
void SDP_ProcessPacket(void* Data, Bluetooth_Channel_t* const Channel)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static void SDP_ProcessServiceSearch(const SDP_PDUHeader_t* const SDPHeader, Blu
uint8_t TotalUUIDs = SDP_GetUUIDList(UUIDList, &CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Total UUIDs: %d", TotalUUIDs);
/* Retrieve the maximum service record reponse count from the request */
/* Retrieve the maximum service record response count from the request */
uint16_t MaxServiceRecordCount = SDP_ReadData16(&CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Max Return Service Count: 0x%04X", MaxServiceRecordCount);
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static void SDP_ProcessServiceAttribute(const SDP_PDUHeader_t* const SDPHeader,
uint32_t ServiceHandle = SDP_ReadData32(&CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Service Handle: 0x%08lX", ServiceHandle);
/* Retrieve the maximum Attribute reponse size from the request */
/* Retrieve the maximum Attribute response size from the request */
uint16_t MaxAttributeSize = SDP_ReadData16(&CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Max Return Attribute Bytes: 0x%04X", MaxAttributeSize);
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static void SDP_ProcessServiceSearchAttribute(const SDP_PDUHeader_t* const SDPHe
uint8_t TotalUUIDs = SDP_GetUUIDList(UUIDList, &CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Total UUIDs: %d", TotalUUIDs);
/* Retrieve the maximum Attribute reponse size from the request */
/* Retrieve the maximum Attribute response size from the request */
uint16_t MaxAttributeSize = SDP_ReadData16(&CurrentParameter);
BT_SDP_DEBUG(2, "-- Max Return Attribute Bytes: 0x%04X", MaxAttributeSize);
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static uint16_t SDP_AddListedAttributesToResponse(const ServiceAttributeTable_t*
return TotalResponseSize;
/** Adds the given attribute ID and value to the reponse buffer, and advances the response buffer pointer past the added data.
/** Adds the given attribute ID and value to the response buffer, and advances the response buffer pointer past the added data.
* \param[in] AttributeID Attribute ID to add to the response buffer
* \param[in] AttributeValue Pointer to the start of the Attribute's value, located in PROGMEM

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@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
*BufferPos += sizeof(uint32_t);
/** Reads 8 bits of raw data frpm the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
/** Reads 8 bits of raw data from the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
* \param[in, out] BufferPos Current position in the buffer where the data is to be read from
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
return Data;
/** Reads 16 bits of raw data frpm the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
/** Reads 16 bits of raw data from the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
* \param[in, out] BufferPos Current position in the buffer where the data is to be read from
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
return Data;
/** Reads 32 bits of raw data frpm the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
/** Reads 32 bits of raw data from the given buffer, incrementing the buffer position afterwards.
* \param[in, out] BufferPos Current position in the buffer where the data is to be read from
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
* \param[in, out] BufferPos Pointer to a buffer where the container header is to be placed
* \return Pointer to the 16-bit size value of the contaner header, which has been pre-zeroed
* \return Pointer to the 16-bit size value of the container header, which has been pre-zeroed
static inline uint16_t* SDP_AddSequence16(void** BufferPos)

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@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ const struct
/** Serial Port Profile attribute, listing the Browse Group List UUIDs which this service is a member of.
* Browse Group UUIDs give a way to group together services within a device in a simple heirachy, so that
* Browse Group UUIDs give a way to group together services within a device in a simple hierarchy, so that
* a SDP client can progressively narrow down an general browse to a specific service which it requires.
const struct

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
* <tr>
* <td>Makefile CDEFS</td>
* <td>When defined, this enables the TELNET server in addition to the HTTP webserver, which listens for incomming connections
* <td>When defined, this enables the TELNET server in addition to the HTTP webserver, which listens for incoming connections
* and processes user commands.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>