forked from mfulz_github/qmk_firmware
Added new high level TWI packet read/write commands, altered behaviour of the TWI_StartTransmission() function.
Spell check source code files.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ bool IsTMCBulkOUTReset = false;
/** Last used tag value for data transfers */
uint8_t CurrentTransferTag = 0;
/** Length of last data transfer, for reporting to the host in case an in-progress tranfer is aborted */
/** Length of last data transfer, for reporting to the host in case an in-progress transfer is aborted */
uint32_t LastTransferLength = 0;
/** Main program entry point. This routine contains the overall program flow, including initial
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@
* for (uint16_t i = 0; i < DATAFLASH_PAGE_SIZE; i++)
* Dataflash_SendByte(WriteBuffer[i]);
* // Commit the Dataflash's first memory buffer to the non-voltatile FLASH memory
* // Commit the Dataflash's first memory buffer to the non-volatile FLASH memory
* printf("Committing page to non-volatile memory page index 5:\r\n");
* Dataflash_SendAddressBytes(5, 0);
* Dataflash_WaitWhileBusy();
* // Read the page from non-voltatile FLASH memory into the Dataflash's second memory buffer
* // Read the page from non-volatile FLASH memory into the Dataflash's second memory buffer
* printf("Reading data into second dataflash buffer:\r\n");
* Dataflash_SendByte(DF_CMD_MAINMEMTOBUFF2);
* Dataflash_SendAddressBytes(5, 0);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
* Temperature_Init();
* // Display converted temperature in degrees Celcius
* // Display converted temperature in degrees Celsius
* printf("Current Temperature: %d Degrees\r\n", Temperature_GetTemperature());
* \endcode
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
* different sizes to suit different needs.
* Note that for each buffer, insertion and removal operations may occur at the same time (via
* a multithreaded ISR based system) however the same kind of operation (two or more insertions
* a multi-threaded ISR based system) however the same kind of operation (two or more insertions
* or deletions) must not overlap. If there is possibility of two or more of the same kind of
* operating occuring at the same point in time, atomic (mutex) locking should be used.
* operating occurring at the same point in time, atomic (mutex) locking should be used.
/** \ingroup Group_MiscDrivers
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
* different sizes to suit different needs.
* Note that for each buffer, insertion and removal operations may occur at the same time (via
* a multithreaded ISR based system) however the same kind of operation (two or more insertions
* a multi-threaded ISR based system) however the same kind of operation (two or more insertions
* or deletions) must not overlap. If there is possibility of two or more of the same kind of
* operating occuring at the same point in time, atomic (mutex) locking should be used.
* operating occurring at the same point in time, atomic (mutex) locking should be used.
* \section Sec_ExampleUsage Example Usage
* The following snippet is an example of how this module may be used within a typical
@ -49,13 +49,16 @@
* The following snippet is an example of how this module may be used within a typical
* application.
* <b>Low Level API Example:</b>
* \code
* // Initialise the TWI driver before first use
* TWI_Init();
* // Start a write session to device at address 0xA0 with a 10ms timeout
* // Start a write session to device at device address 0xA0, internal address 0xDC with a 10ms timeout
* if (TWI_StartTransmission(0xA0 | TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10))
* {
* TWI_SendByte(0xDC);
* TWI_SendByte(0x01);
* TWI_SendByte(0x02);
* TWI_SendByte(0x03);
@ -64,21 +67,47 @@
* TWI_StopTransmission();
* }
* // Start a read session to device at address 0xA0 with a 10ms timeout
* if (TWI_StartTransmission(0xA0 | TWI_ADDRESS_READ, 10))
* // Start a read session to device at address 0xA0, internal address 0xDC with a 10ms timeout
* if (TWI_StartTransmission(0xA0 | TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10))
* {
* uint8_t Byte1, Byte2, Byte3;
* // Read three bytes, acknowledge after the third byte is received
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte1, false);
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte2, false);
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte3, true);
* // Must stop transmission afterwards to release the bus
* TWI_SendByte(0xDC);
* TWI_StopTransmission();
* if (TWI_StartTransmission(0xA0 | TWI_ADDRESS_READ, 10))
* {
* uint8_t Byte1, Byte2, Byte3;
* // Read three bytes, acknowledge after the third byte is received
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte1, false);
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte2, false);
* TWI_ReceiveByte(&Byte3, true);
* // Must stop transmission afterwards to release the bus
* TWI_StopTransmission();
* }
* }
* \endcode
* <b>High Level API Example:</b>
* \code
* // Initialise the TWI driver before first use
* TWI_Init();
* // Start a write session to device at device address 0xA0, internal address 0xDC with a 10ms timeout
* uint8_t InternalWriteAddress = 0xDC;
* uint8_t WritePacket[3] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03};
* TWI_WritePacket(0xA0, 10, &InternalWriteAddress, sizeof(InternalWriteAddress),
* &WritePacket, sizeof(WritePacket);
* // Start a read session to device at address 0xA0, internal address 0xDC with a 10ms timeout
* uint8_t InternalReadAddress = 0xDC;
* uint8_t ReadPacket[3];
* TWI_ReadPacket(0xA0, 10, &InternalReadAddress, sizeof(InternalReadAddress),
* &ReadPacket, sizeof(ReadPacket);
* \endcode
* @{
@ -90,6 +119,7 @@
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <util/twi.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
@ -108,12 +138,29 @@
/** TWI slave device address mask for a read session. Mask with a slave device base address to obtain
* the correct TWI bus address for the slave device when reading data from it.
#define TWI_ADDRESS_READ 0x00
#define TWI_ADDRESS_READ 0x00
/** TWI slave device address mask for a write session. Mask with a slave device base address to obtain
* the correct TWI bus address for the slave device when writing data to it.
#define TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE 0x01
#define TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE 0x01
/** Mask to retrieve the base address for a TWI device, which can then be ORed with \ref TWI_ADDRESS_READ
* or \ref TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE to obtain the device's read and write address respectively.
/* Enums: */
/** Enum for the possible return codes of the TWI transfer start routine and other dependant TWI functions. */
enum TWI_ErrorCodes_t
TWI_ERROR_NoError = 0, /**< Indicates that the command completed sucessfully. */
TWI_ERROR_BusFault = 1, /**< A TWI bus fault occurred while attempting to capture the bus. */
TWI_ERROR_BusCaptureTimeout = 2, /**< A timeout occurred whilst waiting for the bus to be ready. */
TWI_ERROR_SlaveResponseTimeout = 3, /**< No ACK received at the nominated slave address within the timeout period. */
TWI_ERROR_SlaveNotReady = 4, /**< Slave NAKed the TWI bus START condition. */
TWI_ERROR_SlaveNAK = 5, /**< Slave NAKed whilst attempting to send data to the device. */
/* Inline Functions: */
/** Initialises the TWI hardware into master mode, ready for data transmission and reception. This must be
@ -163,8 +210,8 @@
* \return Boolean \c true if the byte reception successfully completed, \c false otherwise
static inline bool TWI_ReceiveByte(uint8_t* const Byte,
const bool LastByte)
static inline uint8_t TWI_ReceiveByte(uint8_t* const Byte,
const bool LastByte)
uint8_t TWCRMask = ((1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN));
@ -184,10 +231,44 @@
* \param[in] SlaveAddress Address of the slave TWI device to communicate with
* \param[in] TimeoutMS Timeout period within which the slave must respond, in milliseconds
* \return Boolean \c true if the device is ready for data, \c false otherwise
* \return A value from the \ref TWI_ErrorCodes_t enum
bool TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS);
uint8_t TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS);
/** High level function to perform a complete packet transfer over the TWI bus to the specified
* device.
* \param[in] SlaveAddress Base address of the TWI slave device to communicate with
* \param[in] TimeoutMS Timeout for bus capture and slave START ACK, in milliseconds
* \param[in] InternalAddress Pointer to a location where the internal slave read start address is stored
* \param[in] InternalAddressLen Size of the internal device address, in bytes
* \param[in] Buffer Pointer to a buffer where the read packet data is to be stored
* \param[in] Length Size of the packet to read, in bytes
uint8_t TWI_ReadPacket(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS,
const uint8_t* InternalAddress,
uint8_t InternalAddressLen,
uint8_t* Buffer,
uint8_t Length);
/** High level function to perform a complete packet transfer over the TWI bus from the specified
* device.
* \param[in] SlaveAddress Base address of the TWI slave device to communicate with
* \param[in] TimeoutMS Timeout for bus capture and slave START ACK, in milliseconds
* \param[in] InternalAddress Pointer to a location where the internal slave write start address is stored
* \param[in] InternalAddressLen Size of the internal device address, in bytes
* \param[in] Buffer Pointer to a buffer where the packet data to send is stored
* \param[in] Length Size of the packet to send, in bytes
uint8_t TWI_WritePacket(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS,
const uint8_t* InternalAddress,
uint8_t InternalAddressLen,
const uint8_t* Buffer,
uint8_t Length);
/* Disable C linkage for C++ Compilers: */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
#include "TWI.h"
bool TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS)
uint8_t TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS)
for (;;)
@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ bool TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
TWCR = (1 << TWEN);
return false;
return TWI_ERROR_BusFault;
if (!(BusCaptured))
if (!(TimeoutRemaining))
TWCR = (1 << TWEN);
return false;
return TWI_ERROR_BusCaptureTimeout;
TWDR = SlaveAddress;
@ -59,17 +59,85 @@ bool TWI_StartTransmission(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
if (!(TimeoutRemaining))
return false;
return TWI_ERROR_SlaveResponseTimeout;
return true;
return TWI_ERROR_NoError;
TWCR = ((1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWSTO) | (1 << TWEN));
return false;
return TWI_ERROR_SlaveNotReady;
uint8_t TWI_ReadPacket(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS,
const uint8_t* InternalAddress,
uint8_t InternalAddressLen,
uint8_t* Buffer,
uint8_t Length)
uint8_t ErrorCode;
if ((ErrorCode = TWI_WritePacket(SlaveAddress, TimeoutMS, InternalAddress, InternalAddressLen,
NULL, 0)) != TWI_ERROR_NoError)
return ErrorCode;
if ((ErrorCode = TWI_StartTransmission((SlaveAddress & TWI_DEVICE_ADDRESS_MASK) | TWI_ADDRESS_READ,
TimeoutMS)) == TWI_ERROR_NoError)
while (Length--)
if (!(TWI_ReceiveByte(Buffer++, (Length == 0))))
ErrorCode = TWI_ERROR_SlaveNAK;
return ErrorCode;
uint8_t TWI_WritePacket(const uint8_t SlaveAddress,
const uint8_t TimeoutMS,
const uint8_t* InternalAddress,
uint8_t InternalAddressLen,
const uint8_t* Buffer,
uint8_t Length)
uint8_t ErrorCode;
if ((ErrorCode = TWI_StartTransmission((SlaveAddress & TWI_DEVICE_ADDRESS_MASK) | TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE,
TimeoutMS)) == TWI_ERROR_NoError)
while (InternalAddressLen--)
if (!(TWI_SendByte(*(InternalAddress++))))
ErrorCode = TWI_ERROR_SlaveNAK;
while (Length--)
if (!(TWI_SendByte(*(Buffer++))))
ErrorCode = TWI_ERROR_SlaveNAK;
return ErrorCode;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
enum CDC_DescriptorSubtypes_t
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_Header = 0x00, /**< CDC class-specific Header functional descriptor. */
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_CallManagement = 0x01, /**< CDC class-specific Call Managment functional descriptor. */
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_CallManagement = 0x01, /**< CDC class-specific Call Management functional descriptor. */
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_ACM = 0x02, /**< CDC class-specific Abstract Control Model functional descriptor. */
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_DirectLine = 0x03, /**< CDC class-specific Direct Line functional descriptor. */
CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_TelephoneRinger = 0x04, /**< CDC class-specific Telephone Ringer functional descriptor. */
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
* must be \ref CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_ACM.
uint8_t Capabilities; /**< Capabilities of the ACM interface, given as a bit mask. For most devices,
* this should be set to a fixed value of 0x06 - for other capabiltiies, refer
* this should be set to a fixed value of 0x06 - for other capabilities, refer
* to the CDC ACM specification.
} USB_CDC_Descriptor_FunctionalACM_t;
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
* must be \ref CDC_DSUBTYPE_CSInterface_ACM.
uint8_t bmCapabilities; /**< Capabilities of the ACM interface, given as a bit mask. For most devices,
* this should be set to a fixed value of 0x06 - for other capabiltiies, refer
* this should be set to a fixed value of 0x06 - for other capabilities, refer
* to the CDC ACM specification.
} USB_CDC_StdDescriptor_FunctionalACM_t;
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
* after connection before the enumeration process can start or incorrect operation will
* occur.
* The default delay value may be overridden in the user project makefile by definining the
* \c HOST_DEVICE_SETTLE_DELAY_MS token to tbe required delay in milliseconds, and passed to the
* The default delay value may be overridden in the user project makefile by defining the
* \c HOST_DEVICE_SETTLE_DELAY_MS token to the required delay in milliseconds, and passed to the
* compiler using the -D switch.
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
* changed in value.
* \n\n
* \note When the controller is initialized into UID autodetection mode, this variable will hold the
* \note When the controller is initialized into UID auto-detection mode, this variable will hold the
* currently selected USB mode (i.e. \ref USB_MODE_Device or \ref USB_MODE_Host). If the controller
* is fixed into a specific mode (either through the \c USB_DEVICE_ONLY or \c USB_HOST_ONLY compile time
* options, or a limitation of the USB controller in the chosen device model) this will evaluate to
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
* - Combined page and word ISP programming mode code in the AVRISP-MKII clone project to reduce compiled size and
* increase maintainability of the code
* - Changed over library projects to use the new general ring buffer library driver module
* - Added new high level TWI packet read/write commands, altered behaviour of the TWI_StartTransmission() function
* - Changed TempDataLogger project's DS1307 driver to simplify the function interface and prevent a possible race condition
* <b>Fixed:</b>
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@
* - Renamed ENDPOINT_DOUBLEBANK_SUPPORTED() to ENDPOINT_BANKS_SUPPORTED() and changed it to return the maximum number of supported banks for
* the given endpoint
* - Better algorithm to extract and convert the internal device serial number into a string descriptor (if present)
* - All USB class drivers are now automatically included when LUFA/Drivers/USB.h is included, and no longer need to be seperately included
* - All USB class drivers are now automatically included when LUFA/Drivers/USB.h is included, and no longer need to be separately included
* - The MIDI class drivers now automatically flushes the MIDI interface when the MIDI class driver's USBTask() function is called
* - Renamed the EVENT_USB_Device_UnhandledControlRequest() event to EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest() as it is now fired before the library
* request handlers, not afterwards
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
* - Added compile time error to the AVRISP-MKII project when built for the U4 chips, as the default VTARGET detection ADC channel
* does not exist on these chips (thanks to Marco)
* - Changed all Device mode LowLevel demos and Device Class drivers so that the control request is acknowledged and any data
* transferred as quickly as possible without any processing inbetween sections, so that long callbacks or event handlers will
* transferred as quickly as possible without any processing in between sections, so that long callbacks or event handlers will
* not break communications with the host by exceeding the maximum control request stage timeout period
* - Changed over all demos, drivers and internal functions to use the current frame number over the Start of Frame flag where possible
* to free up the Start of Frame flag for interrupt use in the user application
@ -127,8 +128,8 @@
* - All LowLevel demos changed to use the constants and types defined in the USB class drivers
* - Changed AudioInput and AudioOutput demos to reload the next sample via an interrupt rather than polling the sample timer
* - Rescue clock of the AVRISP-MKII moved to the AVR's OCR1A pin, so that the clock can be generated at all times
* - Changed ClassDriver MIDI demos to process all incomming events in a loop until the bank becomes empty rather than one at a time
* - Changed LowLevel MIDI demos to only clear the incomming event bank once it has become empty to support packed event packets
* - Changed ClassDriver MIDI demos to process all incoming events in a loop until the bank becomes empty rather than one at a time
* - Changed LowLevel MIDI demos to only clear the incoming event bank once it has become empty to support packed event packets
* <b>Fixed:</b>
* - Core:
@ -599,7 +600,7 @@
* of device configurations can be defined statically
* - Removed VBUS events, as they are already exposed to the user application via the regular device connection and disconnection events
* - Renamed and altered existing events to properly separate out Host and Device mode events
* - All demos switched over from GNU99 standards mode to C99 standards mode, to reduce the dependancies on GCC-only language extensions
* - All demos switched over from GNU99 standards mode to C99 standards mode, to reduce the dependencies on GCC-only language extensions
* <b>Fixed:</b>
* - Changed bootloaders to use FLASHEND rather than the existence of RAMPZ to determine if far FLASH pointers are needed to fix
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
* areas relevant to making older projects compatible with the API changes of each new release.
* \section Sec_MigrationXXXXXX Migrating from 101122 to XXXXXX
* <b>Non-USB Library Components</b>
* - The TWI driver \ref TWI_StartTransmission() function return type has now changed, so that the function returns an
* error code from the \ref TWI_ErrorCodes_t enum instead of a boolean success flag. Existing code must now check
* against the \ref TWI_ERROR_NoError return value for success instead of a boolean true value, or it will not function
* correctly.
* <b>USB Core</b>
* - By default, unordered Endpoint and Pipe configuration is now allowed once again, via the previous workaround of
* reconfiguring all Endpoints/Pipes in order each time a new Endpoint/Pipe is created. To minimise the compiled program
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@
* - The USB mode specifier constants have been moved into a new enum and renamed. Existing projects should use the equivalent
* value in the new \ref USB_Modes_t enum.
* - All class driver headers are now included as part of the standard LUFA/Drivers/USB/USB.h master dispatch header, and should
* no longer be included seperately. Class driver module source files must still be added as a seperate module in the project's
* no longer be included separately. Class driver module source files must still be added as a separate module in the project's
* makefile if used.
* <b>Device Mode</b>
@ -57,7 +63,7 @@
* for each class driver for the new class specific descriptor type names.
* - The ENDPOINT_DOUBLEBANK_SUPPORTED() macro is has been renamed \ref ENDPOINT_BANKS_SUPPORTED() and now returns the total number of
* banks supported by the given endpoint. Existing code should switch to the new naming scheme, and test that the return value of the
* macro is equal to or greated than 2 to regain the previous functionality.
* macro is equal to or greater than 2 to regain the previous functionality.
* - The EVENT_USB_Device_UnhandledControlRequest() event is now named \ref EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest() and fires before (not after)
* the internal library event handlers. Existing code should rename the event handlers in the user application to match the new event
* name, and should ensure that the new execution order does not affect the application's operation.
@ -7,13 +7,14 @@
#include "DS1307.h"
void DS1307_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate)
bool DS1307_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate)
#if defined(DUMMY_RTC)
return true;
DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t NewRegValues;
const uint8_t WriteAddress = 0;
// Convert new time data to the DS1307's time register layout
NewRegValues.Byte1.Fields.TenSec = (NewTimeDate->Second / 10);
@ -34,27 +35,17 @@ void DS1307_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate)
NewRegValues.Byte7.Fields.TenYear = (NewTimeDate->Year / 10);
NewRegValues.Byte7.Fields.Year = (NewTimeDate->Year % 10);
if (TWI_StartTransmission(DS1307_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10))
// Write the new Time and Date into the DS1307
if (TWI_WritePacket(DS1307_ADDRESS, 10, &WriteAddress, sizeof(WriteAddress),
(uint8_t*)&NewRegValues, sizeof(DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t)) != TWI_ERROR_NoError)
// Must start writing to the first address within the device
// Write time data to the first set of device registers
// Write date data to the second set of device registers
return false;
return true;
void DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate)
bool DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate)
#if defined(DUMMY_RTC)
TimeDate->Hour = 1;
@ -65,34 +56,19 @@ void DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate)
TimeDate->Month = 1;
TimeDate->Year = 1;
return true;
if (TWI_StartTransmission(DS1307_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10))
// Must start reading from the first address within the device
DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t CurrentRegValues;
const uint8_t ReadAddress = 0;
if (TWI_StartTransmission(DS1307_ADDRESS_READ, 10))
// Read in the stored Time and Date from the DS1307
if (TWI_ReadPacket(DS1307_ADDRESS, 10, &ReadAddress, sizeof(ReadAddress),
(uint8_t*)&CurrentRegValues, sizeof(DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t)) != TWI_ERROR_NoError)
// First set of registers store the current time
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte1.IntVal, false);
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte2.IntVal, false);
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte3.IntVal, false);
// Second set of registers store the current date
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte4.IntVal, false);
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte5.IntVal, false);
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte6.IntVal, false);
TWI_ReceiveByte(&CurrentRegValues.Byte7.IntVal, true);
return false;
// Convert stored time value into decimal
TimeDate->Second = (CurrentRegValues.Byte1.Fields.TenSec * 10) + CurrentRegValues.Byte1.Fields.Sec;
TimeDate->Minute = (CurrentRegValues.Byte2.Fields.TenMin * 10) + CurrentRegValues.Byte2.Fields.Min;
@ -102,5 +78,7 @@ void DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate)
TimeDate->Day = (CurrentRegValues.Byte5.Fields.TenDay * 10) + CurrentRegValues.Byte5.Fields.Day;
TimeDate->Month = (CurrentRegValues.Byte6.Fields.TenMonth * 10) + CurrentRegValues.Byte6.Fields.Month;
TimeDate->Year = (CurrentRegValues.Byte7.Fields.TenYear * 10) + CurrentRegValues.Byte7.Fields.Year;
return true;
@ -111,12 +111,11 @@
} DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t;
/* Macros: */
#define DS1307_ADDRESS 0xD0
/* Function Prototypes: */
void DS1307_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate);
void DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate);
bool DS1307_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate);
bool DS1307_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate);
Reference in New Issue