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* to LUFA, it is highly recommended that you look at the ClassDriver versions first, which use the pre-made USB
* Class Drivers (\ref Group_USBClassDrivers) to simplify the use of the standard USB classes in user applications.
- * For an overview of the included library applications, bootloaders and demos, see \ref Page_LibraryApps.
- *
* Subsections:
* \li \subpage Page_ConfiguringApps - How to Configure the Included Demos, Projects and Bootloaders
* \li \subpage Page_CompilingApps - How to Compile the Included Demos, Projects and Bootloaders
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-/** \file
- *
- * This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
- * documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
- */
-/** \page Page_LibraryApps Included Library Applications
- *
- * The LUFA library ships with several different host and device demos, located in the /Demos/ subdirectory. Within this
- * directory the demos are separated by USB mode (Device, Host, OTG) and further separated by the use or non-use of the
- * library USB Class drivers (which abstract out the actual implementation of the USB classes to simplify development even
- * further at the expense of a loss of flexibility).
- *
- * With one or two exceptions (e.g. proprietary classes such as RNDIS) all the included demos will work across all OSes without
- * the need for special drivers. On Windows, some demos require the supplied .INF file to be used as the device driver, which
- * directs the OS to use its inbuilt class drivers for the device.
- *
- * Also included with the library are two fully functional bootloaders, located in the /Bootloaders/ subdirectory.
- * The DFU class bootloader is compatible with Atmel's FLIP software or the open source dfu-programmer project, while
- * the CDC class (AVR109 protocol) is compatible with such open source software as AVRDUDE and AVR-OSP.
- *
- * User-submitted projects are located in the /Projects/ subdirectory. If you wish to have your LUFA project included,
- * please email it to the Library author.
- *
- * \section Sec_AppOverview Overview of Included Library Applications
- * The following shows the folder structure of the included library applications, including demos, bootloaders and user-submitted
- * open source projects.
- *
- *
- *
- * - Demos
- * - Device
- * - ClassDriver
- * - AudioInput - Audio In (microphone) demo, using the library USB Audio Class driver framework
- * - AudioOutput - Audio Out (speaker) demo, using the library USB Audio Class driver framework
- * - DualVirtualSerial - Dual Virtual Serial Port demo, using the library USB CDC Class driver framework
- * - GenericHID - Generic Human Interface Class demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - Joystick - USB Joystick demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - Keyboard - USB Keyboard demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - KeyboardMouse - Dual Keyboard/Mouse demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - KeyboardMouseMultiReport - Multi HID report Keyboard/Mouse demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - MassStorage - Dual Drive Mass Storage demo, using the library USB Mass Storage Class driver framework
- * - MassStorageKeyboard - Mass Storage and Keyboard demo, using the library USB Mass Storage/HID Class driver frameworks
- * - MIDI - MIDI In demo, using the library USB MIDI-Audio Class driver framework
- * - Mouse - USB Mouse demo, using the library USB HID driver framework
- * - RNDISEthernet - RNDIS Ethernet Webserver demo, using the library USB RNDIS driver framework
- * - VirtualSerial - Virtual Serial Port demo, using the library USB CDC Class driver framework
- * - VirtualSerialMassStorage - Virtual Serial Port and Mass Storage demo, using the library USB CDC and Mass Storage Class driver frameworks
- * - VirtualSerialMouse - Virtual Serial Port and Mouse demo, using the library USB CDC and HID Class driver frameworks
- * - LowLevel
- * - AudioInput - Audio In (microphone) demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Audio class
- * - AudioOutput - Audio Out (speaker) demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Audio class
- * - DualVirtualSerial - Dual Virtual Serial Port demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB CDC class
- * - GenericHID - Generic Human Interface Class demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - Joystick - USB Joystick demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - Keyboard - USB Keyboard demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - KeyboardMouse - Dual Keyboard/Mouse demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - MassStorage - Dual Drive Mass Storage demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Mass Storage class
- * - MIDI - MIDI In demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB MIDI-Audio class
- * - Mouse - USB Mouse demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - RNDISEthernet - RNDIS Ethernet Webserver demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB RNDIS class
- * - VirtualSerial - Virtual Serial Port demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB CDC class
- * - Incomplete
- * - SideShow - Incomplete Windows SideShow demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB SideShow class
- * - TestAndMeasurement - Incomplete Test and Measurement demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Test and
- * Measurement class
- * - Host
- * - ClassDriver
- * - AndroidAccessoryHost - Android Accessory host demo, using the library USB Android Open Accessory Class driver framework
- * - AudioInputHost - Audio Input host demo, using the library USB Audio Class driver framework
- * - AudioOutputHost - Audio Output host demo, using the library USB Audio Class driver framework
- * - JoystickHostWithParser - Joystick host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - KeyboardHost - USB Keyboard host demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - KeyboardHostWithParser - USB Keyboard host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the library USB HID Class
- * driver framework
- * - MassStorageHost - Mass Storage host demo, using the library USB Mass Storage Class driver framework
- * - MouseHost - Mouse host demo, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - MouseHostWithParser - Mouse host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the library USB HID Class driver framework
- * - RNDISHost - RNDIS Ethernet host demo, using the library USB RNDIS Class driver framework
- * - StillImageHost - Still Image Camera host demo, using the library USB Still Image Class driver framework
- * - VirtualSerialHost - Virtual Serial Port host demo, using the library USB CDC Class driver framework
- * - LowLevel
- * - AndroidAccessoryHost - Android Accessory host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the Android Open Accessory class
- * - AudioInputHost - Audio Input host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Audio class
- * - AudioOutputHost - Audio Output host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Audio class
- * - GenericHIDHost - Generic HID host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - JoystickHostWithParser - Joystick host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement
- * the USB HID class
- * - KeyboardHost - USB Keyboard host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - KeyboardHostWithParser - USB Keyboard host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the low level LUFA APIs to
- * implement the USB HID class
- * - MassStorageHost - Mass Storage host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Mass Storage class
- * - MouseHost - Mouse host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB HID class
- * - MouseHostWithParser - Mouse host demo with HID Descriptor parser, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the
- * USB HID class
- * - PrinterHost - Printer host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Printer class
- * - RNDISHost - RNDIS Ethernet host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the RNDIS class
- * - StillImageHost - Still Image Camera host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Still Image class
- * - VirtualSerialHost - Virtual Serial Port host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB CDC class
- * - Incomplete
- * - BluetoothHost - Incomplete Bluetooth host demo, using the low level LUFA APIs to implement the USB Bluetooth class
- * - DualRole
- * - ClassDriver
- * - MouseHostDevice - Dual role Mouse Host and Mouse Device demo, using the library USB CDC Class driver framework
- * - Bootloaders
- * - CDC - CDC Class USB bootloader, compatible with any AVR910 protocol programming software such as AVRDude
- * - DFU - DFU Class USB bootloader, compatible with Atmel's FLIP and the open source dfu-programmer software
- * - HID - HID Class USB bootloader, compatible with a modified PJRC TeensyHID protocol loader application software
- * - Projects
- * - AVRISP-MKII - AVRISP-MKII Programmer Clone project
- * - Benito - Benito Board Arduino Programmer project
- * - HIDReportViewer - HID Device Report Viewer project
- * - LEDNotifier - USB LED Notification project
- * - Magstripe - Magnetic Stripe Card Reader project
- * - MediaController - Media Playback Controller project
- * - MIDIToneGenerator - MIDI Note Tone Generator project
- * - MissileLaucher - Toy Missile Launcher Host project
- * - RelayBoard - Relay board controller, controllable via the "sismpctl" Linux application
- * - TempDataLogger - Temperature Datalogging project, using the FatFS library
- * - USBtoSerial - USB to USART Serial Converter project
- * - Webserver - RNDIS Host Webserver with DHCP client, powered by uIP TCP/IP stack project and FatFS library
- * - XPLAINBridge - XPLAIN alternative PDI Programmer/USB to Serial Bridge firmware project
- * - Incomplete
- * - StandaloneProgrammer - Incomplete Standalone AVR Programmer application, to program AVRs directly from a Mass Storage disk
- *
- *
- */
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* \li \subpage Page_Donating - Donating to support this project
* \li \subpage Page_AboutLUFA - LUFA Support and Resources
* \li \subpage Page_WhyUseLUFA - What are the advantages of using LUFA?
- * \li \subpage Page_LibraryApps - Overview of included Demos, Bootloaders and Projects