/** \file
 *  This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
 *  documentation pages. It is not a project source file.

/** \page Page_LUFAPoweredProjects User Projects Powered by LUFA
 *  LUFA is currently in use all around the world, in many applications both commercial and non-commercial. Below is a
 *  list of known public LUFA powered projects, which all use the LUFA library in some way. Feel free to visit each project's
 *  home page for more information on each project.
 *  If you have a project that you would like to add to this list, please contact me via the details on the main page of this
 *  documentation.
 *  \section Sec_BoardsUsingLUFA AVR-USB Development Boards Using LUFA
 *  The following is a list of known AVR USB development boards, which recommend using LUFA for the USB stack. Some of these
 *  are open design, and all are available for purchase as completed development boards suitable for project development.
 *  - AT90USB162 Breadboard PCB (Russian): http://microsin.ru/content/view/685/44/
 *  - AVR-USB-162, a USBKEY-like development board for the AT90USB162: http://olimex.com/dev/avr-usb-162.html
 *  - Benito #7, a no-frills USB board: http://www.dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/benito
 *  - JM-DB-U2, an ATMEGA32U2 development board: http://u2.mattair.net/index.html
 *  - Micropendous, an open design/source set of AVR USB development boards: http://micropendous.org/
 *  - Minimus USB, a board specially designed for PSGroove: http://www.minimususb.com/
 *  - Nanduino, a do-it-yourself AT90USB162 board: http://www.makestuff.eu/wordpress/?page_id=569
 *  - Teensy and Teensy++, two other AVR USB development boards: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/index.html
 *  - U2DIL/U4DIL, a set of DIP layout USB AVR boards: http://www.reworld.eu/re/en/products/u2dil/
 *  - USBFOO 2, AT90USB162 based development board: http://shop.kernelconcepts.de/product_info.php?products_id=102
 *  \section Sec_LUFAProjects Projects Using LUFA (Hobbyist)
 *  The following are known hobbyist projects using LUFA. Most are open source, and show off interesting ways that the LUFA library
 *  can be incorporated into many different applications.
 *  - Accelerometer Game Joystick: http://www.crictor.co.il/he/episodes/joystick/
 *  - Arcade Controller: http://fletchtronics.net/arcade-controller-made-petunia
 *  - AVR USB Modem, a 3G Wireless Modem host: http://code.google.com/p/avrusbmodem/
 *  - Bicycle POV: http://www.code.google.com/p/bicycleledpov/
 *  - Bus Ninja, an AVR clone of the popular BusPirate project: http://blog.hodgepig.org/busninja/
 *  - CAMTRIG, a remote Camera Trigger device: http://code.astraw.com/projects/motmot/camtrig
 *  - CD Driver Emulator Dongle for ISO Files: http://cdemu.blogspot.com/
 *  - ClockTamer, a configurable clock generator: http://code.google.com/p/clock-tamer/
 *  - EMUCOMBOX, a USB-RS422 adapter for E-Mu Emax samplers: http://users.skynet.be/emxp/EMUCOMBOX.htm
 *  - Estick JTAG, an ARM JTAG debugger: http://code.google.com/p/estick-jtag/
 *  - "Fingerlicking Wingdinger" (WARNING: Bad Language if no Javascript), a MIDI controller: http://noisybox.net/electronics/wingdinger/
 *  - Garmin GPS USB to NMEA standard serial sentence translator: http://github.com/nall/garmin-transmogrifier/tree/master
 *  - Generic HID Device Creator: http://generichid.sourceforge.net/
 *  - Ghetto Drum, a MIDI drum controller: http://noisybox.net/art/gdrum/
 *  - IR Remote to Keyboard decoder: http://netzhansa.blogspot.com/2010/04/our-living-room-hi-fi-setup-needs-mp3.html
 *  - LED Panel controller: http://projects.peterpolidoro.net/caltech/panelscontroller/panelscontroller.htm
 *  - PSGroove, a Playstation 3 Homebrew dongle: http://github.com/psgroove
 *  - Single LED Matrix Display: http://guysoft.wordpress.com/2009/10/08/bumble-b/
 *  - Linux Secure Storage Dongle: http://github.com/TomMD/teensy
 *  - MakeTV Episode Dispenser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkWUi18hl3g
 *  - MidiMonster, a USB-to-MIDI gateway board: http://www.dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/midimonster
 *  - Mobo 4.3, a USB controlled all band (160-10m) HF SDR transceiver: http://sites.google.com/site/lofturj/mobo4_3
 *  - NES Controller USB modification: http://projects.peterpolidoro.net/video/NESUSB.htm
 *  - Opendous-JTAG, an open source ARM JTAG debugger: http://code.google.com/p/opendous-jtag/
 *  - Openkubus, an open source hardware-based authentication dongle: http://code.google.com/p/openkubus/
 *  - Orbee, a USB connected RGB Orb for notifications: http://www.franksworkshop.com.au/Electronics/Orbee/Orbee.htm
 *  - Programmable XBOX controller: http://richard-burke.dyndns.org/wordpress/pan-galactic-gargantuan-gargle-brain-aka-xbox-360-usb-controller/
 *  - Reprap with LUFA, a LUFA powered 3D printer: http://code.google.com/p/at90usb1287-code-for-arduino-and-eclipse/
 *  - SD Card reader: http://elasticsheep.com/2010/04/teensy2-usb-mass-storage-with-an-sd-card/
 *  - SEGA Megadrive/Genesis Development Cartridge: http://www.makestuff.eu/wordpress/?page_id=398
 *  - Stripe Snoop, a Magnetic Card reader: http://www.ossguy.com/ss_usb/
 *  - Teensy SD Card .WAV file player: http://elasticsheep.com/2010/04/teensy2-usb-wav-player-part-1/
 *  - Touchscreen Input Device: http://capnstech.blogspot.com/2010/07/touchscreen-update.html
 *  - USB Interface for Playstation Portable Devices: http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=11001
 *  - Userial, a USB to Serial converter with SPI, I2C and other protocols: http://www.tty1.net/userial/
 *  - XUM1541, a Commodore 64 floppy drive to USB adapter: http://www.root.org/~nate/c64/xum1541/
 *  \section Sec_LUFACommercialProjects Projects Using LUFA (Commercial)
 *  The following is a list of known commercial products using LUFA. Some of these are open source, although many are "black-box"
 *  solutions with no source code given.
 *  - Arduino Uno, the official Arduino board: www.arduino.cc
 *  - ARPS Locator: http://la3t.hamradio.no/lab//?id=tracker_en
 *  - Digital Survey Instruments Magnetometer and Pointer: http://www.digitalsurveyinstruments.com/
 *  - Penguino, an Arduino Board With On-Board LUFA Powered Debugger/Programmer: http://wiki.icy.com.au/PenguinoAVR
 *  - Many of Busware's Products: http://www.busware.de/
 *  - MIDIFighter, a USB-MIDI controller: http://www.midifighter.com/
 *  - Retrode, a USB Games Console Cartridge Reader: http://www.retrode.org
 *  - USBTINY-MKII, an AVRISP-MKII Clone AVR Programmer: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
 *  - XMEGA Development Board, using LUFA as an On-Board Programmer: http://xmega.mattair.net/
 *  \section Sec_LUFAPublications Publications Mentioning LUFA
 *  - Elektor Magazine, "My First AVR-USB" by Antoine Authier (feature), January 2010 Issue
 *  - Elektor Magazine, "USB is Cool/Sucks" by Jerry Jacobs and Chris Vossen (minor mention), January 2010 Issue
 *  - Elektor Magazine, "20 x Open Source" by Jens Nickel, March 2010 Issue
 *  - Circuit Cellar Magazine, "Advanced USB Design Debugging" by Collin O'Flynn, August 2010 Issue