/* Copyright 2020 Christopher Courtney, aka Drashna Jael're (@drashna) <drashna@live.com> * Copyright 2019 Sunjun Kim * Copyright 2020 Ploopy Corporation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "wait.h" #include "debug.h" #include "print.h" #include "pmw3360.h" #include "pmw3360_firmware.h" bool _inBurst = false; #ifndef PMW_CPI # define PMW_CPI 1600 #endif #ifndef SPI_DIVISOR # define SPI_DIVISOR 2 #endif #ifndef ROTATIONAL_TRANSFORM_ANGLE # define ROTATIONAL_TRANSFORM_ANGLE 0x00 #endif void print_byte(uint8_t byte) { dprintf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c|", (byte & 0x80 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x40 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x20 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x10 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x08 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x04 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x02 ? '1' : '0'), (byte & 0x01 ? '1' : '0')); } bool spi_start_adv(void) { bool status = spi_start(SPI_SS_PIN, false, 3, SPI_DIVISOR); wait_us(1); return status; } void spi_stop_adv(void) { wait_us(1); spi_stop(); } spi_status_t spi_write_adv(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t data) { if (reg_addr != REG_Motion_Burst) { _inBurst = false; } spi_start_adv(); // send address of the register, with MSBit = 1 to indicate it's a write spi_status_t status = spi_write(reg_addr | 0x80); status = spi_write(data); // tSCLK-NCS for write operation wait_us(20); // tSWW/tSWR (=120us) minus tSCLK-NCS. Could be shortened, but is looks like a safe lower bound wait_us(100); spi_stop(); return status; } uint8_t spi_read_adv(uint8_t reg_addr) { spi_start_adv(); // send adress of the register, with MSBit = 0 to indicate it's a read spi_write(reg_addr & 0x7f); uint8_t data = spi_read(); // tSCLK-NCS for read operation is 120ns wait_us(1); // tSRW/tSRR (=20us) minus tSCLK-NCS wait_us(19); spi_stop(); return data; } void pmw_set_cpi(uint16_t cpi) { int cpival = constrain((cpi / 100) - 1, 0, 0x77); // limits to 0--119 spi_start_adv(); spi_write_adv(REG_Config1, cpival); spi_stop(); } bool pmw_spi_init(void) { spi_init(); _inBurst = false; spi_stop(); spi_start_adv(); spi_stop(); spi_write_adv(REG_Shutdown, 0xb6); // Shutdown first wait_ms(300); spi_start_adv(); wait_us(40); spi_stop_adv(); wait_us(40); spi_write_adv(REG_Power_Up_Reset, 0x5a); wait_ms(50); spi_read_adv(REG_Motion); spi_read_adv(REG_Delta_X_L); spi_read_adv(REG_Delta_X_H); spi_read_adv(REG_Delta_Y_L); spi_read_adv(REG_Delta_Y_H); pmw_upload_firmware(); spi_stop_adv(); wait_ms(10); pmw_set_cpi(PMW_CPI); wait_ms(1); return pmw_check_signature(); } void pmw_upload_firmware(void) { spi_write_adv(REG_Config2, 0x00); spi_write_adv(REG_Angle_Tune, constrain(ROTATIONAL_TRANSFORM_ANGLE, -30, 30)); spi_write_adv(REG_SROM_Enable, 0x1d); wait_ms(10); spi_write_adv(REG_SROM_Enable, 0x18); spi_start_adv(); spi_write(REG_SROM_Load_Burst | 0x80); wait_us(15); unsigned char c; for (int i = 0; i < firmware_length; i++) { c = (unsigned char)pgm_read_byte(firmware_data + i); spi_write(c); wait_us(15); } wait_us(200); spi_read_adv(REG_SROM_ID); spi_write_adv(REG_Config2, 0x00); spi_stop(); wait_ms(10); } bool pmw_check_signature(void) { uint8_t pid = spi_read_adv(REG_Product_ID); uint8_t iv_pid = spi_read_adv(REG_Inverse_Product_ID); uint8_t SROM_ver = spi_read_adv(REG_SROM_ID); return (pid == 0x42 && iv_pid == 0xBD && SROM_ver == 0x04); // signature for SROM 0x04 } report_pmw_t pmw_read_burst(void) { if (!_inBurst) { dprintf("burst on"); spi_write_adv(REG_Motion_Burst, 0x00); _inBurst = true; } spi_start_adv(); spi_write(REG_Motion_Burst); wait_us(35); // waits for tSRAD report_pmw_t data; data.motion = 0; data.dx = 0; data.mdx = 0; data.dy = 0; data.mdx = 0; data.motion = spi_read(); spi_write(0x00); // skip Observation data.dx = spi_read(); data.mdx = spi_read(); data.dy = spi_read(); data.mdy = spi_read(); spi_stop(); print_byte(data.motion); print_byte(data.dx); print_byte(data.mdx); print_byte(data.dy); print_byte(data.mdy); dprintf("\n"); data.isMotion = (data.motion & 0x80) != 0; data.isOnSurface = (data.motion & 0x08) == 0; data.dx |= (data.mdx << 8); data.dx = data.dx * -1; data.dy |= (data.mdy << 8); data.dy = data.dy * -1; spi_stop(); if (data.motion & 0b111) { // panic recovery, sometimes burst mode works weird. _inBurst = false; } return data; }