/* Copyright 2016-2020 Jack Humbert * Copyright 2020 JohSchneider * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "audio.h" #include "eeconfig.h" #include "timer.h" #include "wait.h" /* audio system: * * audio.[ch] takes care of all overall state, tracking the actively playing * notes/tones; the notes a SONG consists of; * ... * = everything audio-related that is platform agnostic * * driver_[avr|chibios]_[dac|pwm] take care of the lower hardware dependent parts, * specific to each platform and the used subsystem/driver to drive * the output pins/channels with the calculated frequencies for each * active tone * as part of this, the driver has to trigger regular state updates by * calling 'audio_update_state' through some sort of timer - be it a * dedicated one or piggybacking on for example the timer used to * generate a pwm signal/clock. * * * A Note on terminology: * tone, pitch and frequency are used somewhat interchangeably, in a strict Wikipedia-sense: * "(Musical) tone, a sound characterized by its duration, pitch (=frequency), * intensity (=volume), and timbre" * - intensity/volume is currently not handled at all, although the 'dac_additive' driver could do so * - timbre is handled globally (TODO: only used with the pwm drivers at the moment) * * in musical_note.h a 'note' is the combination of a pitch and a duration * these are used to create SONG arrays; during playback their frequencies * are handled as single successive tones, while the durations are * kept track of in 'audio_update_state' * * 'voice' as it is used here, equates to a sort of instrument with its own * characteristics sound and effects * the audio system as-is deals only with (possibly multiple) tones of one * instrument/voice at a time (think: chords). since the number of tones that * can be reproduced depends on the hardware/driver in use: pwm can only * reproduce one tone per output/speaker; DACs can reproduce/mix multiple * when doing additive synthesis. * * 'duration' can either be in the beats-per-minute related unit found in * musical_notes.h, OR in ms; keyboards create SONGs with the former, while * the internal state of the audio system does its calculations with the later - ms */ #ifndef AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE # define AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE 8 #endif uint8_t active_tones = 0; // number of tones pushed onto the stack by audio_play_tone - might be more than the hardware is able to reproduce at any single time musical_tone_t tones[AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE]; // stack of currently active tones bool playing_melody = false; // playing a SONG? bool playing_note = false; // or (possibly multiple simultaneous) tones bool state_changed = false; // global flag, which is set if anything changes with the active_tones // melody/SONG related state variables float (*notes_pointer)[][2]; // SONG, an array of MUSICAL_NOTEs uint16_t notes_count; // length of the notes_pointer array bool notes_repeat; // PLAY_SONG or PLAY_LOOP? uint16_t melody_current_note_duration = 0; // duration of the currently playing note from the active melody, in ms uint8_t note_tempo = TEMPO_DEFAULT; // beats-per-minute uint16_t current_note = 0; // index into the array at notes_pointer bool note_resting = false; // if a short pause was introduced between two notes with the same frequency while playing a melody uint16_t last_timestamp = 0; #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE_TONE_MULTIPLEXING # ifndef AUDIO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES # define AUDIO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES 3 # endif uint16_t tone_multiplexing_rate = AUDIO_TONE_MULTIPLEXING_RATE_DEFAULT; uint8_t tone_multiplexing_index_shift = 0; // offset used on active-tone array access #endif // provided and used by voices.c extern uint8_t note_timbre; extern bool glissando; extern bool vibrato; extern uint16_t voices_timer; #ifndef STARTUP_SONG # define STARTUP_SONG SONG(STARTUP_SOUND) #endif #ifndef AUDIO_ON_SONG # define AUDIO_ON_SONG SONG(AUDIO_ON_SOUND) #endif #ifndef AUDIO_OFF_SONG # define AUDIO_OFF_SONG SONG(AUDIO_OFF_SOUND) #endif float startup_song[][2] = STARTUP_SONG; float audio_on_song[][2] = AUDIO_ON_SONG; float audio_off_song[][2] = AUDIO_OFF_SONG; static bool audio_initialized = false; static bool audio_driver_stopped = true; audio_config_t audio_config; void audio_init(void) { if (audio_initialized) { return; } // Check EEPROM #ifdef EEPROM_ENABLE if (!eeconfig_is_enabled()) { eeconfig_init(); } audio_config.raw = eeconfig_read_audio(); #else // EEPROM settings audio_config.enable = true; # ifdef AUDIO_CLICKY_ON audio_config.clicky_enable = true; # endif #endif // EEPROM settings for (uint8_t i = 0; i < AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE; i++) { tones[i] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = 0, .pitch = -1.0f, .duration = 0}; } if (!audio_initialized) { audio_driver_initialize(); audio_initialized = true; } stop_all_notes(); #ifndef AUDIO_INIT_DELAY audio_startup(); #endif } void audio_startup(void) { if (audio_config.enable) { PLAY_SONG(startup_song); } last_timestamp = timer_read(); } void audio_toggle(void) { if (audio_config.enable) { stop_all_notes(); } audio_config.enable ^= 1; eeconfig_update_audio(audio_config.raw); if (audio_config.enable) { audio_on_user(); } else { audio_off_user(); } } void audio_on(void) { audio_config.enable = 1; eeconfig_update_audio(audio_config.raw); audio_on_user(); PLAY_SONG(audio_on_song); } void audio_off(void) { PLAY_SONG(audio_off_song); audio_off_user(); wait_ms(100); audio_stop_all(); audio_config.enable = 0; eeconfig_update_audio(audio_config.raw); } bool audio_is_on(void) { return (audio_config.enable != 0); } void audio_stop_all(void) { if (audio_driver_stopped) { return; } active_tones = 0; audio_driver_stop(); playing_melody = false; playing_note = false; melody_current_note_duration = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE; i++) { tones[i] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = 0, .pitch = -1.0f, .duration = 0}; } audio_driver_stopped = true; } void audio_stop_tone(float pitch) { if (pitch < 0.0f) { pitch = -1 * pitch; } if (playing_note) { if (!audio_initialized) { audio_init(); } bool found = false; for (int i = AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--) { found = (tones[i].pitch == pitch); if (found) { tones[i] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = 0, .pitch = -1.0f, .duration = 0}; for (int j = i; (j < AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE - 1); j++) { tones[j] = tones[j + 1]; tones[j + 1] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = 0, .pitch = -1.0f, .duration = 0}; } break; } } if (!found) { return; } state_changed = true; active_tones--; if (active_tones < 0) active_tones = 0; #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE_TONE_MULTIPLEXING if (tone_multiplexing_index_shift >= active_tones) { tone_multiplexing_index_shift = 0; } #endif if (active_tones == 0) { audio_driver_stop(); audio_driver_stopped = true; playing_note = false; } } } void audio_play_note(float pitch, uint16_t duration) { if (!audio_config.enable) { return; } if (!audio_initialized) { audio_init(); } if (pitch < 0.0f) { pitch = -1 * pitch; } // round-robin: shifting out old tones, keeping only unique ones // if the new frequency is already amongst the active tones, shift it to the top of the stack bool found = false; for (int i = active_tones - 1; i >= 0; i--) { found = (tones[i].pitch == pitch); if (found) { for (int j = i; (j < active_tones - 1); j++) { tones[j] = tones[j + 1]; tones[j + 1] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = timer_read(), .pitch = pitch, .duration = duration}; } return; // since this frequency played already, the hardware was already started } } // frequency/tone is actually new, so we put it on the top of the stack active_tones++; if (active_tones > AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE) { active_tones = AUDIO_TONE_STACKSIZE; // shift out the oldest tone to make room for (int i = 0; i < active_tones - 1; i++) { tones[i] = tones[i + 1]; } } state_changed = true; playing_note = true; tones[active_tones - 1] = (musical_tone_t){.time_started = timer_read(), .pitch = pitch, .duration = duration}; // TODO: needs to be handled per note/tone -> use its timestamp instead? voices_timer = timer_read(); // reset to zero, for the effects added by voices.c if (audio_driver_stopped) { audio_driver_start(); audio_driver_stopped = false; } } void audio_play_tone(float pitch) { audio_play_note(pitch, 0xffff); } void audio_play_melody(float (*np)[][2], uint16_t n_count, bool n_repeat) { if (!audio_config.enable) { audio_stop_all(); return; } if (!audio_initialized) { audio_init(); } // Cancel note if a note is playing if (playing_note) audio_stop_all(); playing_melody = true; note_resting = false; notes_pointer = np; notes_count = n_count; notes_repeat = n_repeat; current_note = 0; // note in the melody-array/list at note_pointer // start first note manually, which also starts the audio_driver // all following/remaining notes are played by 'audio_update_state' audio_play_note((*notes_pointer)[current_note][0], audio_duration_to_ms((*notes_pointer)[current_note][1])); last_timestamp = timer_read(); melody_current_note_duration = audio_duration_to_ms((*notes_pointer)[current_note][1]); } float click[2][2]; void audio_play_click(uint16_t delay, float pitch, uint16_t duration) { uint16_t duration_tone = audio_ms_to_duration(duration); uint16_t duration_delay = audio_ms_to_duration(delay); if (delay <= 0.0f) { click[0][0] = pitch; click[0][1] = duration_tone; click[1][0] = 0.0f; click[1][1] = 0.0f; audio_play_melody(&click, 1, false); } else { // first note is a rest/pause click[0][0] = 0.0f; click[0][1] = duration_delay; // second note is the actual click click[1][0] = pitch; click[1][1] = duration_tone; audio_play_melody(&click, 2, false); } } bool audio_is_playing_note(void) { return playing_note; } bool audio_is_playing_melody(void) { return playing_melody; } uint8_t audio_get_number_of_active_tones(void) { return active_tones; } float audio_get_frequency(uint8_t tone_index) { if (tone_index >= active_tones) { return 0.0f; } return tones[active_tones - tone_index - 1].pitch; } float audio_get_processed_frequency(uint8_t tone_index) { if (tone_index >= active_tones) { return 0.0f; } int8_t index = active_tones - tone_index - 1; // new tones are stacked on top (= appended at the end), so the most recent/current is MAX-1 #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE_TONE_MULTIPLEXING index = index - tone_multiplexing_index_shift; if (index < 0) // wrap around index += active_tones; #endif if (tones[index].pitch <= 0.0f) { return 0.0f; } return voice_envelope(tones[index].pitch); } bool audio_update_state(void) { if (!playing_note && !playing_melody) { return false; } bool goto_next_note = false; uint16_t current_time = timer_read(); if (playing_melody) { goto_next_note = timer_elapsed(last_timestamp) >= melody_current_note_duration; if (goto_next_note) { uint16_t delta = timer_elapsed(last_timestamp) - melody_current_note_duration; last_timestamp = current_time; uint16_t previous_note = current_note; current_note++; voices_timer = timer_read(); // reset to zero, for the effects added by voices.c if (current_note >= notes_count) { if (notes_repeat) { current_note = 0; } else { audio_stop_all(); return false; } } if (!note_resting && (*notes_pointer)[previous_note][0] == (*notes_pointer)[current_note][0]) { note_resting = true; // special handling for successive notes of the same frequency: // insert a short pause to separate them audibly audio_play_note(0.0f, audio_duration_to_ms(2)); current_note = previous_note; melody_current_note_duration = audio_duration_to_ms(2); } else { note_resting = false; // TODO: handle glissando here (or remember previous and current tone) /* there would need to be a freq(here we are) -> freq(next note) * and do slide/glissando in between problem here is to know which * frequency on the stack relates to what other? e.g. a melody starts * tones in a sequence, and stops expiring one, so the most recently * stopped is the starting point for a glissando to the most recently started? * how to detect and preserve this relation? * and what about user input, chords, ...? */ // '- delta': Skip forward in the next note's length if we've over shot // the last, so the overall length of the song is the same uint16_t duration = audio_duration_to_ms((*notes_pointer)[current_note][1]); // Skip forward past any completely missed notes while (delta > duration && current_note < notes_count - 1) { delta -= duration; current_note++; duration = audio_duration_to_ms((*notes_pointer)[current_note][1]); } if (delta < duration) { duration -= delta; } else { // Only way to get here is if it is the last note and // we have completely missed it. Play it for 1ms... duration = 1; } audio_play_note((*notes_pointer)[current_note][0], duration); melody_current_note_duration = duration; } } } if (playing_note) { #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE_TONE_MULTIPLEXING tone_multiplexing_index_shift = (int)(current_time / tone_multiplexing_rate) % MIN(AUDIO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES, active_tones); goto_next_note = true; #endif if (vibrato || glissando) { // force update on each cycle, since vibrato shifts the frequency slightly goto_next_note = true; } // housekeeping: stop notes that have no playtime left for (int i = 0; i < active_tones; i++) { if ((tones[i].duration != 0xffff) // indefinitely playing notes, started by 'audio_play_tone' && (tones[i].duration != 0) // 'uninitialized' ) { if (timer_elapsed(tones[i].time_started) >= tones[i].duration) { audio_stop_tone(tones[i].pitch); // also sets 'state_changed=true' } } } } // state-changes have a higher priority, always triggering the hardware to update if (state_changed) { state_changed = false; return true; } return goto_next_note; } // Tone-multiplexing functions #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE_TONE_MULTIPLEXING void audio_set_tone_multiplexing_rate(uint16_t rate) { tone_multiplexing_rate = rate; } void audio_enable_tone_multiplexing(void) { tone_multiplexing_rate = AUDIO_TONE_MULTIPLEXING_RATE_DEFAULT; } void audio_disable_tone_multiplexing(void) { tone_multiplexing_rate = 0; } void audio_increase_tone_multiplexing_rate(uint16_t change) { if ((0xffff - change) > tone_multiplexing_rate) { tone_multiplexing_rate += change; } } void audio_decrease_tone_multiplexing_rate(uint16_t change) { if (change <= tone_multiplexing_rate) { tone_multiplexing_rate -= change; } } #endif // Tempo functions void audio_set_tempo(uint8_t tempo) { if (tempo < 10) note_tempo = 10; // else if (tempo > 250) // note_tempo = 250; else note_tempo = tempo; } void audio_increase_tempo(uint8_t tempo_change) { if (tempo_change > 255 - note_tempo) note_tempo = 255; else note_tempo += tempo_change; } void audio_decrease_tempo(uint8_t tempo_change) { if (tempo_change >= note_tempo - 10) note_tempo = 10; else note_tempo -= tempo_change; } // TODO in the int-math version are some bugs; songs sometimes abruptly end - maybe an issue with the timer/system-tick wrapping around? uint16_t audio_duration_to_ms(uint16_t duration_bpm) { #if defined(__AVR__) // doing int-math saves us some bytes in the overall firmware size, but the intermediate result is less accurate before being cast to/returned as uint return ((uint32_t)duration_bpm * 60 * 1000) / (64 * note_tempo); // NOTE: beware of uint16_t overflows when note_tempo is low and/or the duration is long #else return ((float)duration_bpm * 60) / (64 * note_tempo) * 1000; #endif } uint16_t audio_ms_to_duration(uint16_t duration_ms) { #if defined(__AVR__) return ((uint32_t)duration_ms * 64 * note_tempo) / 60 / 1000; #else return ((float)duration_ms * 64 * note_tempo) / 60 / 1000; #endif }